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Airport Land Use Commission

October 7, 2024 2:00 pm

COG Sequoia Conference Room | 2035 Tulare St., Suite 201, Fresno, CA

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations
The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxiliary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a publichearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available..

Action:  Review and approve, or approve with edits, the August 5, 2024, Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission Action Summary.

Summary: The City of Fresno Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department (PARCS) proposes a technical amendment to the Parks Master Plan. The purpose of the technical amendment is to incorporate Measure P—a 3/8-cent dedicated sales tax for parks in the City of Fresno – ordinance requirements and funding categories into the Parks Master Plan. Additionally, the technical amendment provides updated park asset information and updated demographic and recreational trend information, reflecting the most recent census data available. The proposed amendment includes the following revisions to the Parks Master Plan:

  • Census Data: Updated population growth and park acreage needs figures to reflect more current estimates.
  • Measure P Integration: Incorporated references to Measure P and updated funding source from a 3/8-cent sales tax approved in 2018, and how it impacts park funding, maintenance, and improvements.
  • Maintenance and Funding: Emphasized the need for increased annual funding for park maintenance and lifecycle replacement costs, updating figures to reflect current needs.
  • Strategic Enhancements: Updated the list of parks targeted for strategic enhancements and redevelopment, reflecting current priorities.
  • Equity and Access: Continued focus on addressing park deserts and improving access in high-need areas, incorporating urban greening strategies to enhance underserved neighborhoods.
  • Community Partnerships: Expanded strategies for partnering with local agencies, school districts, and community organizations to maximize recreational opportunities and support park development.

The technical amendment will not result in a change of the goals and recommendations defined in the original Parks Master Plan, for which its environmental impacts were analyzed in the mitigated negative declaration (MND), and is functionally a minor technical change, within the meaning of CEQA Guidelines 15164. Therefore, the City of Fresno has determined that an Environmental Assessment No. P24-03198, an addendum to the MND for Environmental Assessment No. A-17-016 is appropriate given that none of the findings described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or negative declaration have occurred; and, new information added is only for the purposes of providing minor changes or additions, in accordance with Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines.

The Parks Master Plan encompasses the City of Fresno. Staff has reviewed the proposed amendment and has advised the City of Fresno that future development projects implementing the Parks Master Plan’s recommendations that are located within an Airport Influence Area or Noise Contour would require ALUC review. The technical amendment does not affect airports or airport land uses as evaluated, but ALUC approval is required.

Action: ALUC staff recommends the Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission approve a Finding of Consistency for the City of Fresno’s Parks Master Plan Technical Amendment.

This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the ALUC on items within its jurisdiction but not on this agenda. Note: Prior to action by the ALUC on any item on this agenda, the public may comment on that item. Unscheduled comments may be limited to 3 minutes.