Summary: A round-up of Federal and State transportation and housing-related grant opportunities for which member jurisdictions may apply.
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT)
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Discretionary Grant Program.The program supports projects that strengthens surface transportation infrastructure against natural hazards such as climate change, sea level rise, heat waves, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters. Up to $876 million in funding is available, comprised of up to $576 million in FY 2024 and 2025 funding and up to $300 million in FY 2026. The deadline to apply for FY 2024 and 2025 is February 24, 2025.
The agency will offer awards in three categories: resilience improvement; community resilience and evacuation routes, and; at-risk coastal infrastructure. Facilities eligible for funding include: highway projects; public transportation facilities or service; facilities or service for intercity passenger rail; and port facilities, including those that connect ports to other modes of transportation, improve evacuation and disaster relief, or aid transportation.
Bridge Investment Program (BIP)
FHWA has issued a NOFO for FY 2023-2026 Bridge Investment Program (BIP): Planning and Bridge Project Grants, which supports bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). This is a multiyear funding opportunity with multiple application deadlines for each program.
Planning grants support planning, feasibility analysis, and revenue forecasting for bridge projects to develop proposals that would subsequently be eligible under the large bridge projects or bridge projects programs.There is up to $20 million available each year from FY 2023 to 2026.There is no minimum or maximum award size; however, the cost of the ultimate construction project must be at least $3.125 million. The deadline to submit applications for FY 2026 funding is Oct. 1, 2025.
Bridge Projects support replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection of one or more bridges on the NBI with total eligible costs less than $100 million.Up to $9.62 billion is available from FY 2023 to FY 2026 (which may also be allocated toward Large Bridge Projects issued in a previous NOFO). Total eligible project costs must be at least $3.125 million. The deadline to submit applications for FY 2026 funding is Nov. 1, 2025.
Prohousing Incentive Program
While the deadline to apply for the third round of Prohousing Incentive Program (PIP) funds was Dec. 31, 2024, the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is allowing limited flexibility by extending the deadline to submit executed resolutions by Feb. 28, 2025. Please see Attachment B of the PIP Program Guidelines for a resolution template. PIP Round 3 makes approximately $8 million available for jurisdictions with a prohousing designation.
Please note that the deadline for the remainder of the completed application is December 31, 2024, and an extension cannot be provided. For more information, please see the PIP webpage at Please send any questions to
Action: Information. The Committee may provide additional direction at its discretion.