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Fresno COG Policy Board

Thursday, April 25, 2024
5:30 PM
COG Sequoia Conference Room
2035 Tulare St #201, Fresno, Ca 93721</s

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations

The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxiliary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a public hearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available.

The Fresno COG Policy board will take place

in person at the Fresno COG Sequoia CONFERENCE Room


TOLL FREE NUMBER:  888-398-2342


The conference line is to be used for listening purposes only.

no comments will be taken via telephone. 



Those addressing the committee IN-PERSON must state their first and last name and ANY AFFILLIATED agency for the record.




Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting will begin prior to the Policy Board Meeting - Package Attached


The Fresno COG Policy Board will consider all items on the agenda.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 pm.



Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee Member Appointment (Jake Martinez) [ACTION]

Summary: Luisa Medina, a representative with the League of Women Voters, has filed an application to fill a seat on the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee previously held by Bill Jordan, who also represented the League.

Fresno Council of Governments' Policy Board, acting as the Fresno County Mayors’ Select Committee, along with the chairman of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, is tasked with appointing members to the Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) consistent with the November 2006 voter-approved Measure C Expenditure Plan.

The COC informs the public and ensures that Measure C program revenues are spent as promised.

The Measure C Expenditure Plan specifies that the COC shall comprise 13 members, including six at-large public members who respectively reside in each of the five Fresno County Supervisorial Districts. Three of the six must reside in the Fresno-Clovis metropolitan area and two must reside in the unincorporated rural area of the county (east and west). The remaining seven members must be representatives drawn from a diverse mix of interested community organizations.

Members serve four-year terms, with a maximum limit of eight years on the committee. Appendix G of the Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan (attached) states the Committee’s duties and responsibilities. Currently, there are four vacancies on the Oversight Committee:

  • Two positions for community organization representatives (organization/agency/service clubs/chambers of commerce, etc. must provide an applicant with a letter of recommendation.)
  • Two public-at-large positions representing the following:
    • Unincorporated rural Area West of State Route 99 (Supervisorial District 1)
    • Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area (Supervisorial District 4)

Ms Medina's application covers one of the two community organization representatives.

Fresno COG and Fresno County Transportation Authority staff will continue recruiting new members until all the positions are filled.

Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee webpage:

Action: Staff recommends the Mayors Select Committee appoint Luisa Medina to the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee.




Vice Chairman


About Consent Items:

All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by COG staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Committee or public wishes to comment or ask questions.  If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Committee concerning the item before action is taken.

Executive Minutes of March 28, 2024 [APPROVE]
Golden State Boulevard Cooperative Agreement and Engineering Contract (Pankaj Joshi) [ACTION]

Summary: Subsequent to a cooperative agreement with the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA), Fresno COG has a contract with Mark Thomas to design the Golden State Corridor. Mark Thomas has identified additional engineering costs associated with the project as explained in a memo on the April 24 FCTA agenda and below. 

To summarize, Mark Thomas has completed 100 percent of the design phase. The project has been split into three phases to accommodate negotiations with the Union Pacific railroad.  The County of Fresno has bid and is working on phase 1; however, this leaves some gaps in the project to be addressed in phase 2. Phase 3 involves work in the railroad's right-of-way. The County needs to amend its contract with FCTA to complete Phase 2; however, the initial design incorporated phases 2 and 3 as one scope. This amendment separates the railroad work from phase 2 so the County can proceed. This action is necessary regardless of current, ongoing negotiations with the cities and railroad over how many intersections will be improved in phase 3.

Separate actions are required to amend the cooperative agreement with FCTA and the contract with Mark Thomas.


Action:  Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board authorize Fresno COG's executive director to execute amendment No. 8 to the cooperative agreement with FCTA, increasing the contract $347,775 to $6,466,237.

Action: Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board authorize Fresno COG's executive director to execute amendment No. 6, increasing the Mark Thomas contract $347,775 to $5,134,721.

Federal and State Grant Funding Opportunities (Robert Phipps) [INFORMATION]

Summary: A round-up of current Federal and State grant opportunities open now.

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (MPDG)

On March 28, Federal Department of Transportation announced that a ?notice of funding opportunity (NOFO)?for approximately $5.1 billion in funding for projects of regional or national significance for three major discretionary grant programs. The application process for the Mega, INFRA and Rural programs has been streamlined into the single Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (MPDG). To date, DOT has provided nearly $8 billion in grants to communities through the MPDG program to help rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, increase manufacturing capacity and innovation, and create a clean-energy economy to combat climate change and ensure our communities are resilient. Eligible applicants and eligible project types vary by program. For details on prior year MPDG awards, see 2023-2024 Mega Awards, 2023-2024 INFRA Awards, and 2023-2024 Rural Surface Transportation Grant Awards. Applications are due on May 6, 2024,?on

Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)

The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program is accepting applications in response to its Fiscal Year 2024 NOFO. The FY 2024 SS4A NOFO has multiple application deadlines depending on the grant type. Implementation Grant applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. ET on Thurs., May 16, 2024. Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants have three deadlines: 5 p.m. ET April 4, May 16, and Aug. 29. Several webinars have been held to provide more information; the presentation slides and webinar recordings are posted on the SS4A Webinar Series page.

Congestion Relief Program

FHWA is accepting applications for its $250 million Congestion Relief Program, which offers competitive grants to advance innovative, multimodal solutions to reduce vehicular traffic in the most congested metropolitan areas of the United States. The Congestion Relief Program is accepting applications for the first round through a NOFO that provides $150 million in grants for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024. The grants are available to States, metropolitan planning organizations, cities, and municipalities for projects in urban areas with a population of at least one million. Applications are due by April 22, 2024.

Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP)

The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP) is a new competitive grant  under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that may be used for either planning or construction. The call for applications runs from March 19 to June 17. Awards can range from $100,000 to $15,000,000. Grant information can be found here:

Action: Information.  The Policy Board may provide additional direction at its discretion.

Fresno County Mobility Hub Feasibility Hub Study Consultant Selection (Simran Jhutti) [ACTION]

Summary: In August 2023, Fresno COG was awarded the Caltrans FY 2023-24 Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant to develop the Fresno County Mobility Hub Feasibility Study in partnership with the three largest transit agencies in the County; Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA), Clovis Transit, and Fresno Area Express (FAX).

In January 2024, Fresno COG released a request for proposal for consultants to develop the plan for Fresno County with preliminary planning-level design for up to four sites (two rural and two urban).

Fresno COG received five proposals for this project by the Feb. 28 deadline. The scoring committee, with representation from Fresno COG, FCRTA, Clovis Transit, and FAX, conducted interviews and selected Walker Consultants due their experience in mobility hub development, detailed workplan, expertise in the region, and versatile team with emphasis on public outreach and design.

The project is expected to be completed in FY 2025-26. The Caltrans-approved scope of work is attached.

Action: Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board authorize the executive director to enter a contract with Walker Consultants for the Fresno County Mobility Hub Feasibility Study for an amount not to exceed $840,000.

Fresno County Climate Resiliency Plan Consultant Selection (Jennifer Rodriguez) [ACTION]

Summary: In August 2023, Fresno COG was awarded the Caltrans FY 2023-24 Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant to develop the Fresno County Climate Resiliency Plan. In January 2024, Fresno COG released a request for proposal for consultants to develop the plan, which will be a subsequent plan to the Fresno County Regional Transportation Network Vulnerability Assessment completed in 2020. The previous vulnerability assessment identified the transportation assets in the county that are most vulnerable to climate hazards, such as wildfires, extreme heat, and flooding.

The Fresno County Climate Resiliency Plan will build off this previous study and identify short-, medium-, and long-term improvement projects for the next 50 years to address regional climate risks. The plan will also develop planning-level cost estimates for the projects identified and conduct a project-level climate hazard assessment for the top five most vulnerable and critical projects. The project will also include outreach and engagement with community, local stakeholders, and technical experts in climate related fields.

Staff received three proposals for this project. The scoring committee, representing Fresno COG and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, selected Arup.

Arup has experience conducting transportation vulnerability assessments and climate resilience planning throughout the state and specifically within the region for the High-Speed Rail Central Valley station design, and is also conducting the Caltrans Statewide Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment.

The project is expected to be completed within a year. Attached is the scope of work.

Action: Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board approve Arup for the Fresno County Climate Resiliency Plan and authorize the executive director to enter a contract with Arup for the amount not to exceed $480,000.

Regional Transportation Plan Public Opinion Survey Consultant Selection (Paul Herman) [ACTION]

Summary:  Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) released a request for proposal (RFP) in February seeking a qualified consultant with substantial experience in designing and conducting opinion surveys whose participants are reflective of the county’s demographics, including the non-English speaking populations, from urban and rural areas of the region. The consultant will be responsible for ranking defined values and transportation funding priorities of the Fresno County community, developing a final findings report, and presenting the final findings report to TTC, PAC, and the RTP Roundtable as well as the Fresno COG Policy Board. A total budget of $65,000 has been allocated to this survey effort.

Three proposals were received in reponse to the RFP. On April 2 staff scored them and selected Rea & Parker's $64,200 proposal due to their extensive experience in survey/market research. Drs. Parker and Rea have extensive experience in public and urban affairs regarding the collection of primary demographic, attitudinal, and market-related data through survey research, focus group analysis and public outreach, particularly regarding transportation. 

The data collected from the survey will inform the Fresno COG Regional Transportation Plan public and decision makers by identifying and ranking Fresno County residents' transportation spending priorities and their community values. The survey is proposed to generate 550 completed telephone surveys and 450 online surveys with a margin of error estimated to be +/- 3.1 percent at most, at a 95 % level of confidence. 

Action:  Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board approve Rea & Parker as the Regional Transportation Plan Public Opinion Survey consultant and authorize the executive director to enter a contract with Rea & Parker for an amount not to exceed $64,200.

Access-For-All Vehicle Contracts with FCRTA and the City of Clovis (Jake Martinez) [ACTION]

Summary: In September 2023, the Policy Board awarded $91,916 to Fresno County Rural Transit Agency, (FCRTA) and Clovis Public Transit, respectively, for wheelchair accessible buses under the Access-For-All Program, funded through the California Public Utilities Commission.  Because county counsel represents both FCRTA and FCOG, conflict-of-interest protocol requires the Policy Board to adopt a waiver directing county counsel to reassign temporary representation to eliminate any potential conflict.

Action: Adopt the representation conflict waiver for the FCRTA and Fresno COG regarding contracts for administration of this funding grant.

Action: Authorize the interim executive director to execute a contract with FCRTA for $91,916.

Action: Authorize the interim executive director to execute a contract with Clovis Public Transit for $91,916.


Measure C Transit-Oriented Development Program Cycle 12 (Simran Jhutti) [ACTION]

Summary: The Measure C Transit Oriented Infrastructure for Infill Development (TOD) Program was created as part of the 2006 Measure C Extension Plan. It was designed to boost transit ridership through transit-supportive land uses and infrastructure improvement, as well as planning activities. It serves as seed money to promote walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly communities that are healthy, livable and vibrant. It is estimated to accrue nearly $850,000 annually with $17 million over its 20-year lifespan. The 12th funding cycle, with roll-over money from previous cycles and returned funding from an undelivered project, has a total of $1.5 million available for programming.  

Fresno COG received six applications from four cities, including: Fresno, Fowler, Selma and Kingsburg. The scoring committee met in March and made the following funding recommendations: 

1. City of Fresno: Blackstone Avenue Smart Mobility Project between State Route 180 & Pine Avenue (south of McKinley Avenue) 

City of Fresno requested $170,000 to fund a complete design for transformative changes to Blackstone Avenue from State Route 180 to Pine Avenue. The transition will encourage transit, walking, bicycling and other multimodal uses. This shift is expected to increase non-motorized travel, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and emissions and improving air quality. The project is near Susan B. Anthony Elementary, J.E. Young Academic Center and The Link, a high-density affordable mixed-use housing development. The scoring committee recommends funding $170,000. 

2. City of Selma: Selma Downtown and Civic Center Transit Oriented Improvements 

The City of Selma requested $263,000 to relocate the City Hall transit stop from Tucker Street to a location on 3rd Street adjacent to either the Fire Department or new police station, as well as provide sidewalk, ramp and crossing improvements at various locations to enable increased transit ridership by residents and visitors. The project is a strategic step towards augmenting transit ridership while enhancing connectivity for both residents and visitors. The scoring committee recommends funding $263,000. 

3. City of Fresno: Street Incentive along Venture Avenue (Cesar Chavez Boulevard) between Seventh and Eighth Streets 

The City of Fresno requested $1,153,514 for what was originally submitted as a housing infill project along Ventura Avenue (Cesar Chavez Boulevard) between Seventh and Eighth Streets, located on the east, south and west sides of the future site of a planned affordable housing development. The Project was scored as capital projet due to components for housing not being included. The project will construct complete streets along Seventh and Eighth Streets, including concrete curb ramps and gutters, widened sidewalks, tree well installation, irrigation and tree planting, and pedestrian scale lighting. The scoring committee recommends funding $619,297. 

4. City of Fowler: Downtown Streetscape Plan and Merced Street Implementation (Phase 1) 

City of Fowler requested $1,605,198 for construction of a portion of its Downtown Streetscape Plan – specifically, its flush street design of Merced Street from 7th Street to 5th Street. The flush street design will remove curbs and create a more accessible roadway that opens space for community events during street closures. Flush street designs are also able to provide additional safety features for pedestrians and bicyclists. As such, this would encourage activity in Fowler’s downtown and promote walking and biking. The scoring committee recommends funding $450,000.  

Action: Staff, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board approve the scoring committee's funding recommendations for the Measure C TOD Program 12th funding cycle. 

2024 Unmet Transit Needs Assessment (Harold Sobrado) [PUBLIC HEARING]

Summary:  The Policy Board will hold a public hearing to take comments regarding unmet public transportation needs that are reasonable to meet within the Fresno County region during the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Staff will return to the Board in June with the final Unmet Transit Needs Report, following approvals from the Social Services Technical Advisory Committee (SSTAC), TTC and PAC.

Action: Staff, the SSTAC, TTC and PAC recommend the Policy Board open the public hearing, receive comments, and close the public hearing. The Policy Board may provide additional direction at its discretion.

2023-24 Mid-Cycle Carbon Reduction Program Guidelines, Application Packet, and Call-for-Projects Initiation (Matthew Shimizu) [ACTION]

Summary:  Following the Policy Board's direction in March, staff has returned with revisions to the proposed guidelines for the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) that include a separate scoring category for disadvantaged communities, more clearly highlighting the "three pillars" of the CRP, and specifying that the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency will serve as the permanent transit operator on the CRP scoring committee going forward.

These changes were largely in response to comments received during the March Policy Board meeting from representatives with the Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, who also provided a subsequent comment letter. Fresno COG staff provided a formal response to that letter, which is attached to this annotated report.

The Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is authorized in the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).  This program provides Fresno County with Federal transportation funds to be distributed to the Fresno County region through a performance-driven process. Fresno COG, in its role as a metropolitan planning organization (MPO), is responsible for programming future federal transportation revenues in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP). CRP funds are reimbursable federal-aid funds, subject to the requirements of Title 23, United States Code. 

Program guidelines describe the policies, standards, criteria, and procedures for developing, managing, and adopting Fresno COG’s CRP program. These funds are distributed through a competitive, regional bid program based on scoring criteria and evaluated by a scoring committee. Fresno COG estimates that a total of $5,494,620 will be available funding for the FFY 23/24 mid-cycle CRP.

The updated guidelines for CRP also include funding distribution policies, changes to the local match requirement, language regarding programming construction funds, changes to address project contingencies, adjustments to the program timeline (necessitated by the revisions) and other minor changes to the application.

The CRP guidelines and application packet can be found on Fresno COG's website. Upon Board approval of the application packet, the call-for-projects will be initiated. 

Action: Staff and the programming subcommittee request the Board approve the CRP guidelines and application packet and initiate the call-for-projects.

Final 2024-25 Fresno COG Overall Work Program and Budget (Robert Phipps) [ACTION]

Summary: The final, fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 Overall Work Program (OWP), totaling $45.5 million is submitted for committee and Board consideration. The proposed budget increased $256,150 from the draft submitted in February to add an operations manager and fleet services coordinator to FCRTA’s’ operation.  A summary memorandum is attached to this annotated report. In short, the proposed budget decreased $12.4 million from last year. Operational revenues remain intact and reserves are adequate.

The largest part of the decrease is attributed to $9.6 million in one-time anticipated funding from the Regional Early Action Plan (REAP) 2.0 funds provided by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, California Air Resources Board, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the Strategic Growth Council. Another $3.7 million decrease reflected a draw down of cash match from Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) as it constructed its Selma maintenance facility. These were one time grants that are largely spent down and have no effect on normal operating expenses.

Federal revenues increased a net of 7 percent  or $938,161; however the largest increase of $1.7 million resulting from another round of bus procurements through the FTA 5310 program offset several decreases from revenue sources that were drawn down from one time projects.

State revenues decreased 34 percent, ($9.7 million) primarily due to the REAP 2 grant.   

Local revenues decreased 23 percent ($3.6 million), resulting from  the FCRTA drawdown.  

Fresno COG added an accounting position last yearn which is jointly shared 70/30 percent with FCRTA. In addition, FCRTA is adding an operations manager and a fleet services coordinator.  Contingencies are carried for merit-based salary increases, as well as for anticipated health insurance increases. The overall proposed budget for salaries increased by 2 percent and benefits by 1 percent.

The overall consulting budget is $22.1 million, which decreased $5.7 million.

The OWP and budget will return for final approval in April.

Action: Staff and the TTC/PAC recommend the Policy Board approve Fresno COG's final 2024-25 Overall Work Program and budget.

Active Transportation Program Cycle 7 Regional Guidelines (Matthew Shimizu) [ACTION]

Summary: The State established the Active Transportation Program (ATP) in September 2013. ATP funding is distributed as follows:

  • Fifty percent to the State for a statewide competitive program (“Statewide Competitive ATP”);
  • Ten percent to the small urban and rural area competitive program, managed by the State; and
  • Forty percent to the large urbanized area competitive program, with funding distributed by population and managed by metropolitan planning organizations (“Regional ATP”).

Fresno COG is responsible for developing guidelines for the regional ATP and for recommending projects to the California Transportation Commission. The Regional ATP Guidelines substantially follow those of the CTC but include some differences based on the region’s priorities.

Fresno COG developed the guidelines in consultation with Fresno COG’s ATP Multidisciplinary Advisory Group (MAG), which includes other government agencies, active transportation stakeholder organizations with expertise in public health and pedestrian and bicycle issues, and representation from disadvantaged communities. The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is scheduled to approve the guidelines at its June meeting.

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) adopted final 2025 ATP Guidelines on March 22. There were relatively minor changes at the statewide level from cycle 6 to cycle 7, consisting of new and revised language in various program categories. Considerable program changes include:

  • A new online ATP application portal
  • New performance metrics
  • Disciplinary consequences for insufficient performance metric data
  • Six application types  

A few minor differences remain between the statewide guidelines and Fresno COG’s regional guidelines. These differences include:

  • No minimum funding requirement
  • Quick Build projects are not eligible
  • Eliminate scoring criteria for medium- and large-sized infrastructure projects and score all projects using the small infrastructure criteria
  • Allow applicants to submit scalability plans for medium or large infrastructure projects submitted to the state.

Fresno COG will hold a supplemental call-for-projects using the Regional ATP scoring criteria and have a regional scoring committee. Applicants may apply for either the State ATP program or Regional ATP program, or both. Fresno COG encourages all ATP projects to be submitted to the State ATP competitive program, although it is not required. Projects not selected for programming in the statewide competition must be considered in the regional competition.

The statewide competitive call for projects is now open, and applications will be due to Caltrans on June 17. Once CTC approves the Regional ATP Guidelines (June 27-28), the regional call for projects will open, with applications due Nov. 20. Regional ATP documents are included for review and approval and will be posted to Enclosures for this item include:

  • Resolution 2024-09
  • Final Draft Regional ATP Guidelines & Fund Estimate
  • Supplemental application

The electronic ATP Cycle 7 applications and other guidance documents can be found at: Active Transportation Program (ATP) | CTC ( Please contact Matthew Shimizu via email at or via phone at 559-233-4148 ext. 240 with any questions.

Action: Staff, the MAG and TTC/PAC recommend the Board approve Resolution 2024-09 adopting the Fresno COG Regional Competitive Active Transportation Program Guidelines.

Fresno COG Regional Microtransit Feasibility Study (Paul Herman) [ACTION]

Summary:  In late 2022, Fresno Council of Governments commissioned a countywide study to evaluate potential microtransit service. Many Fresno County residents live and work beyond walking distance of a bus stop and fixed-route transit service. Low densities and car-oriented development patterns pose major challenges for expanding cost-effective and sustainable transit using traditional fixed-route bus service, or paratransit.

Microtransit potentially addresses the "first-mile-last-mile" transit challenge by providing a ridesharing alternative to the closest transit stop for those who might otherwise not have access to a mainline transit service.  Given the COG’s strategic planning and advisory role, it has a strong interest in coordinating efforts among the county’s transit agencies to expand transit services throughout the region with alternative modes.

The Regional Microtransit Feasibility Study explores microtransit throughout the county with four key objectives:

1) Assess the current public transit and demographic landscape in Fresno County to determine new oppurtunies to provide additional transit services.

2) Explore the potential for implementing microtransit in Fresno County, with particular emphasis in areas with potential for expanded transit services.

3) Engage community members to increase understanding of microtransit and gather input on potential solutions.

4) Enable Fresno COG and Fresno County transit agencies to evaluate and consider potential oppurtunites regarding microtransit services.

Via Mobility, (consulting firm) that conducted the Regional Microtransit Feasibility Study, will be providing a brief presentation to the Policy Board. The final report is attached in this agenda.

Action: Staff and the TTC/PAC recommend the Policy Board accept the Fresno COG Regional Microtransit Feasibility Study Final Report.

Caltrans Report (Michael Navarro) [INFORMATION]


About Consent Items

All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by COG staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Committee or public wishes to comment or ask questions.  If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Committee concerning the item before action is taken.



Items from Staff

Items from Members


Public Presentations

This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on items within its jurisdiction but not on this agenda.  Note:  Prior to action by the Committee on any item on this agenda, the public may comment on that item.  Unscheduled comments may be limited to three minutes.