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Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting Annotated Agenda


Thursday, June 13, 2024
4:00 PM

Fresno Council of Gvernments

Ash Conference Room

2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201

Fresno, CA 93722

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations
The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxillary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a public hearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available.




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About Presentations:

This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on items within its jurisdiction but not on this agenda. 

Note:  Prior to action by the Committee on any item on this agenda, the public may comment on that item.  Unscheduled comments may be limited to 3 minutes.

II.Action Summary for April 11, 2024 Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting

Action: Review and comment, comment with edits, the April 11, 2024 Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee Action Summary.

III.Elect Measure C Citizens' Oversight Committee Representative to Fresno COG RTP Roundtable [Jake Martinez]

Summary: The Oversight Committee currently is allocated a seat on the Fresno COG Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Roundtable, a committee providing expertise and generating consensus on RTP development issues. Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) are prepared by regional agencies to identify a 20-year vision for transportation priorities and investments. The RTP Guidelines articulate the federal and state requirements for the developments of RTPs, as well as provide resources and planning practice examples.

The Roundtable meetings are held once a month on the fourth Wednesday at 2:00 pm via Zoom and in person. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 26. COC RTP's previous roundtable representative was Kevin Hamilton who termed out of the Oversight Committee on July 31, 2021. Kevin's alternate was Bill Jordan.

The previous RTP can be found at this link:

Action: Staff asks that the Oversight Committee elect one (1) representative and one (1) alternate to serve as the representative(s) of the Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee's for the 2026 RTP Roundtable.

IV.Elect Measure C Citizens' Oversight Committee Representative to Fresno COG Measure C New Technology Scoring Committee [Jake Martinez]

Summary: The goal of the New Technology Reserve Subprogram is the set-aside Measure “C” funding to finance new transit technologies that may be developed in the future. To further its Measure C New Technology Program goals, Fresno COG is focusing on technological advances in public systems, safety features, fuel efficiencies and alternatives, intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications, and information dissemination. These areas help to promote passenger safety and satisfaction, attract customers, improve capital and operating efficiencies, reduce environmental pollution, and ease dependence on fossil fuels.

In February 2016, the Policy Board approved a formal process to solicit and accept members to sit on a multidisciplinary advisory group (MAG). The MAG will review, evaluate, and score the New Tech applications and recommend projects for funding.  Nominees are needed from the following categories:  City of Fresno, City of Clovis, east side city, west side city, County of Fresno, Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee, FCTA, transit, business, education, and two public seats. 

For more information regarding the Measure C New Technology program please visit and/or contact Simran Jhutti at

Action: Staff asks that the Oversight Committee elect one (1) representative to serve as the representative(s) of the Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee's for the Measure C New Technology scoring committee.

V.FY24-25 Measure C Extension Sales Tax Revenue Estimate

Summary: California Public Utilities Code Section 142257 provides that the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan shall specify the amount and the formula by which the retail transactions and use tax shall be allocated to each participating jurisdiction for Local Transportation Purposes. The 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan created a number of transportation programs to be implemented by participating jurisdictions with Measure C funds passed through from the Authority to the jurisdictions. 

Consistent with adopted policy for administration of the funds, the Authority requested and received the annual estimate of Measure C funds from the Fresno County Auditor-Controller/ Treasurer-Tax Collector.

Based upon the annual estimate of total street miles from the California Department of Transportation, the annual estimate of population from the California Department of Finance, and the Measure C allocation formula as dictated by the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan, the attached estimate of available funds and the annual apportionments has been calculated and included in Resolution 2024-01.

Action: Review and comment

VI.FY24-25 Measure C Original (1987-2007) Proposed Budget

SummaryThe Original Measure does not fall under the purview of the COC. It is provided as a courtesy for reference to those services that are funded by both the Original and the Extension Measures.

This proposed 2024-25 Original Measure C budget has no estimated sales tax revenue during the fiscal year due to the expiration of the original Measure C sales tax levy in 2007. However, it is estimated to gain $1,300,000 in interest revenue which will be used to fund the remaining urban and rural projects.  Since there will be no sales tax revenue from the original Measure, the related administration will be funded with administrative reserves which are on deposit with the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector.  This reserve accumulated over the 20 years of the original Measure C to fund the transition to an extension of the tax measure, or to finance Authority close-out costs if the Measure were to have expired. Use of these funds to cover the administrative costs of on-going Measure C projects is consistent with the intended use of these accumulated funds.  The proposed method of financing the administrative budget has been reviewed and accepted by Authority Legal Counsel and the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector’s office. 

The overall budget for the original Measure C is very similar to last year’s budget with no new efforts planned. The proposed administrative salary, benefits and administrative support and services cost budget request is $313,625. 

Action: Informational

VII.FY24-25 Measure C Extension (2007-2027) Proposed Budget

Summary: FY 2024-25 Measure C Extension Annual Operating Budget which includes the revenue expected from the Extension of the Measure C sales tax. 

This proposed 2024-25 Measure C Extension budget includes estimated sales tax revenue and interest earnings to be received during the 2024-25 fiscal year of $119,177,737, a $256,000 increase over last year’s approved budget. This revenue estimate reflects a moderately conservative 1% projected increase over 2023-24 actual revenues due to heightened level of uncertainty regarding the economic outlook over the near-term. The 2023-24 budget reflected a 1% increase in revenue and was forecasted to be $112,421,541 but the actual revenue came in at $110,373,997, a negative 0.84% over the actual 2022-23 revenue of $111,308,457.

The budget includes approximately $7.7 million in interest income.

 Action: Review and comment

VIII.FY 24-25 Measure C Extension Regional Transportation Mitigation Fee (RTMF) Proposed Budget

Summary: FY24-25 Regional Transportation Mitigation Fee (RTMF) Annual Operating Budget addressing revenue expected from fee collections, interest, fund balance, and loans. 

The RTMF revenue projection is the result of a collaborative effort between the Fresno County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector’s office and RTMF Agency staff, which took into consideration projected development activity in Fresno County during the FY2024-25 fiscal year.  The fee income identified in this budget is the result of applying the RTMF fee schedule, as updated by the Board in January 2020, to the development activity estimated to take place during the upcoming fiscal year.

There are no proposed administrative salaries, benefits, or support costs proposed in this budget because the fee is calculated and collected by the RTMF Agency.  Costs associated with RTMF Administration are also covered by a separate fee imposed and collected by the RTMF Agency.

The RTMF fund currently has an uncommitted fund balance of $12,312,535 in cash and the budget under consideration today proposes to continue repaying the RTMF loans by transferring this current fiscal year’s uncommitted fund balance to Measure C in FY2024-25.  Annual payback will include prior year uncommitted fund balance minus the anticipated Administrative Expenditures.  This payback process will continue annually to service the outstanding loan balance.  The current outstanding loan balance as of March 31, 2024, is $86,833,529 which reflects the total prior years payback of $39,199,326 against the loan principal and accumulated interest. This budget is the continuation of that repayment effort. 

Action: Review and comment

IX.Audit Reports of Local Agencies Receiving Pass-Through Measure C Extension Program Revenue

Summary: Audit Reports of Local Agencies Receiving Pass-Through Measure C Extension Program Revenue

Price Paige & Company Accountancy Corporation was retained by the Authority to perform the audit of finances on all local agencies receiving Measure C Extension revenue as required in the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan. The firm has recently completed audits of finances and submitted the final report for fiscal year ending June 30, 20191 , June 30, 20201 , June 30, 20211 , and June 30, 20221 , for the agencies listed below:

  • FY19 City of San Joaquin        
  • FY20 City of Parlier 
  • FY20 City of San Joaquin 
  • FY20 City of Sanger
  • FY21 City of Firebaugh 
  • FY21 City of Fresno
  • FY21 City of Orange Cove 
  • FY21 City of San Joaquin
  • FY22 City of Mendota


The remaining agencies are in process of their audits and those reports will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.

X.Items from Staff [Jake Martinez]

A.  Upcoming 2024 COC meeting dates - please reserve these dates from 4-6:00 pm

  • July 11
  • August 8
  • September 12
  • October 10
  • November 14
  • December 12

B.  Items for the next agenda

C.  Upcoming Meetings/Events of other related Boards/Committees



  • Fresno COG Transportation Technical Committee - Friday, June 13, 2024 at 8:30 AM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room
  • Fresno COG Policy Advisory Committee - Friday, June 13, 2024 at 10:00 AM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room
  • Fresno COG Policy Board - Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 5:30 PM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room


  • Fresno COG Transportation Technical Committee - Friday, July 12, 2024 at 8:30 AM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room
  • Fresno COG Policy Advisory Committee - Friday, July 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room
  • Fresno COG Policy Board - Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM in-person at Fresno Council of Governments Sequoia Conference Room