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Transportation Technical Committee

February 14, 2025 8:30 am

COG Sequoia Conference Room | 2035 Tulare St., Suite 201, Fresno, CA

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations
The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxiliary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a publichearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available..



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The Transportation Technical Committee will consider all items on the agenda. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m.

All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by COG staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Committee or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Committee concerning the item before action is taken.

Action: Approve Resolution 2025-02 adopting the City of Clovis’ FY 2024-25 Transportation Development Act (TDA) claims totaling $1,664,235.

Summary: Under California Public Utilities Code 99244, Fresno COG annually conducts a productivity evaluation to assess transit operators in the region that receive State Transportation Development Act funds and to recommend potential productivity improvements. The evaluation identifies, analyzes, and recommends potential productivity improvements that could lower transit providers’ operational costs. If Fresno COG determines that an operator has not made a reasonable effort to implement the recommended improvements, then local transportation funds allocated to that operator cannot exceed the appropriation from the prior year.

The FY 2024 productivity evaluation assesses the following transit agencies:

  1. Fresno Area Express and Handy Ride
  2. Clovis Stageline and Roundup
  3. Fresno County Rural Transit Agency
  4. Consolidated Transportation Services Agencies for the metropolitan and rural areas.

The Social Service Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) reviewed and accepted the FY 2024 Transit Productivity Report on Jan. 21.

Action: Staff and SSTAC request the TTC/PAC recommend that the Policy Board accept the FY 2024 Transit Productivity Evaluation Report.

Summary: Preliminary Local Transportation Fund (LTF) estimates are released each February to provide member agencies information to facilitate their budget process for the upcoming year. The final estimates will be adjusted for the Department of Finance’s 2025 population numbers and presented to the Board for adoption in May.  The County Auditor/Controller estimates 2025-26 LTF at $59 million, which is the same as last year’s estimate.        

Recommendation:  Information. The Committee may provide further direction at its discretion.

Summary: Preliminary State Transit Assistance (STA) estimates are released each February to provide member agencies information to facilitate their budget process for the upcoming year. The final estimates will be adjusted for the Department of Finance’s 2025 population numbers and presented to the Board for adoption in May.  The State Controller’s Office has estimated the fiscal year 2025-26 State Transit Assistance (STA) apportionment at $12,201,511, a 15% ($2,071,523) decrease from last year’s estimate.  

Recommendation: Information. The Committee may provide further direction at its discretion.

Summary: Preliminary State of Good Repair (SGR) estimates are released each February to provide member agencies information to facilitate their budget process for the upcoming year. The final estimates will be adjusted for the Department of Finance 2025 population numbers and presented to the Board for adoption in May.  The State Controller’s Office has estimated the fiscal year 2025-26 State of Good Repair (SGR) apportionment at $2,116,097, which is a $133,117 (7 percent) increase from last year’s estimate.

Recommendation:  Information. The Committee may provide further direction at its discretion.

Summary: Fresno COG’s Policy Board formed the Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee (SSTAC) in May 1988 to respond to state legislation, coordinate social service transportation, assist the Board in identifying transit needs throughout Fresno County, review and recommend action for Fresno COG to address at its unmet transit needs hearing, and advise Fresno COG on other transit issues.

The Board appoints SSTAC members for two-year terms, including the chairmanship.  At the January 2025 SSTAC meeting, the Committee voted to appoint Moses Stites of Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) chairman, replacing Amy Hance of Clovis Transit who relinquished her role and membership on SSTAC because of a recent promotion.

Another appointment and three reappointments to the SSTAC were approved at the same meeting.  Bethany Berube from Clovis Transit replaces Amy Hance.  Details, including reappointments, are as follows:

Appointment Resident of / Geographic Representation Term Expires Ethnic Background
Bethany Berube, Clovis Transit Clovis / Fresno County 1-2027 Caucasian
Chenier Derrick Fresno / Fresno County 6-2024 African American
Moses Stites, FCRTA Fresno / Fresno County 2-2025 Hispanic
Yonas Paulos Fresno / Fresno County 6-2024 Caucasian


Article III, Section 99238 of the Transportation Development Act requires a minimum number of SSTAC members in specific categories.  There is no maximum number specified in the TDA, and in the interest of diversity, staff is seeking additional nominations, specifically, members who represent minority groups, social service providers for seniors, and potential transit users.  A complete list of SSTAC members is included in the agenda package.

Action: Staff requests that the TTC/PAC recommend to the Policy Board the appointment of Moses Stites as chair of the SSTAC. Staff also recommends that Bethany Berube be appointed and Yonas Paulos, Chenier Derrick, and Moses Stites be reappointed to serve another two-year terms.

Summary: The Fall 2024 Regional Transportation Plan’s (RTP) Transportation Needs Community Survey was open to gather project suggestions from Sept. 6 – Oct. 31, 2024. Fresno COG garnered over 1,000 project suggestions from the public. A map and the list of each project suggestion submitted is now available at the following link:

RTP Project Suggestions Interactive Mapping Tool

Click on any of the project suggestions in the list to view it and watch the mapping tool zoom into its location within Fresno County, if location was provided in the survey.

The project suggestions were forwarded to the city, county, or transit agency responsible for the location or service identified by survey participants. The agencies then reviewed the suggestions, evaluating them based on current or future plans and available resources with the option to submit them back to Fresno COG in response to the RTP “call for projects”.

Over 2,800 transportation projects were received by the Dec. 13, 2024 deadline. They are scored for possible funding availability over the next 20+ years.

Click here to view the survey results, including the graphed demographics as provided by the survey software.

Action: Information only. The TTC/PAC may provide direction at its discretion.

Summary: At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Fresno COG must determine the funding available from the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Local Transportation Fund (LTF) for allocation to local agencies within Fresno County.

Allocations are made into four categories: bicycle and pedestrian facilities, social service transportation, regional transportation planning, and public transportation. In certain cases, funding from the public transportation category can be applied to local streets and roads in individual jurisdictions if a finding has been made that there are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet within the jurisdiction; however, public transit must be given priority.

As a result, prior to allocating LTF funds for any use other than public transit, Fresno COG must identify any unmet public transit needs that may exist in Fresno County that are reasonable to meet.  The Unmet Transit Needs Assessment process is conducted annually to identify any unmet transit needs and issue any related findings.

Unmet Transit Needs Public Outreach

Public outreach is an essential component of the annual Unmet Transit Needs Assessment process. This year, the public outreach component consists of an online survey, six in-person events, one virtual event, and a public hearing.  Additionally, comments can be received by email, phone and text.  Details are below:

Unmet Transit Needs Survey

An online survey for transit riders is available online through April 4, at:

It contains a widget enabling non-English speaking transit riders to submit their comments in their primary language.

In-Person and Virtual Public Outreach

For those transit riders wanting to provide their feedback directly Fresno COG and transit agency staff, in-person and virtual outreach will be taking place from Tues., Feb 20 through Thurs., March 6.  Non-English-speakers and individuals with disabilities or their representatives should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least three days in advance to request auxiliary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting.

The dates, times, and locations of each public outreach meeting are as follows:

Meeting No. 1: Rural Westside Fresno County
5:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 20
Granada Commons Apartments
14570 West California Ave.,
Kerman, CA 93630

Meeting No. 2: City of Fresno, No. 1
5:30 p.m. Mon., Feb. 24
Pinedale Community Center Computer Lab
7170 N. San Pablo Ave.,
Pinedale, CA 93650

Meeting No. 3: City of Fresno, No. 2
5:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 25
Mosqueda Comm. Center Conf. Rm. No. 1
4670 E. Butler Ave.,
Fresno CA 93702

Meeting No. 4 – City of Clovis, No. 1
5:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 26
Clovis Transit Center
785 3rd St., Clovis, CA 93612

Meeting No. 5: City of Fresno, No. 3
11 a.m. Sat., March 1
Maxie L. Parks Comm. Center
1802 Cesar Chavez Blvd,
Fresno, CA 93706

Meeting No. 6: Virtual Meeting, No. 1
11 a.m. Tues., March 4
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the

Meeting No. 7: Rural Eastside Fresno County
5:30 p.m. Thurs., March 6
Fowler Magnolia Apartments
325 E. Vine St.,
Fowler, CA 93625

Other Ways to Participate

Transit riders can also submit their comments via voicemail, in English or Spanish, via email or text.

To email staff, use

To leave a voicemail message, call (855) 925-2801, and enter project code when prompted 11041.

Participants can also submit comments in English via text to: Utn25 to 73224, and in Spanish to Utn25s to 73224.

Public outreach for the FY 2025 Unmet Transit Needs Assessment process concludes with the public hearing scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thurs., April 24 at the Fresno COG Policy Board meeting:

Fresno Council of Governments
2035 Tulare Street Suite 201, Sequoia Room
Fresno, CA 93721

Marketing activities for the FY 2025-26 Unmet Transit Needs Assessment will include flyers to the FAX unmet transit needs mailing list, articles published in the Fresno COG newsletter, flyers and postcards distributed to Fresno County Department of Social Services offices and social media posts through the Fresno COG social media channel. A community outreach hub is also available at

Previous UTN Final Reports:

2024 – 2025 UTN Report – approved June 27, 2024

2023 – 2024 UTN Report – approved June 29, 2023Information. The Committee may provide additional directions at its discretion.

Action: Information. The Committee may provide additional directions at its discretion.

Summary: Active Transportation Program (ATP) funds are separated into three main components: the statewide competitive program, the small, urban- and rural-area competitive program (managed by the State), and the large, urbanized area competitive program [managed by metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)] – also known as the Regional Competitive ATP.  The program encourages active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. Large MPOs such as Fresno COG have the option of developing their own policies, procedures and project selection criteria that differ from those the California Transportation Commission (CTC) adopted, provided the CTC approves them. The Fresno COG Policy Board approved the revised regional ATP guidelines on Sept. 26, 2024, which included the augmentation of Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) funding. 

The state initiated its seventh cycle ATP call-for-projects from March 21 through June 17, 2024. The Fresno region submitted 10 applications with a total project cost of $50.47 million. All applications were also eligible for the regional program. Agencies were encouraged to apply to the state competitive program but had the option to submit applications to the region. Staff received one application not submitted to the statewide program and two applications submitted to the statewide program, that were not submitted to the region. Supplemental applications were due to Fresno COG on Nov. 20,2024. The supplemental application allows agencies to phase or segment a project for the regional ATP consideration. 

No projects from Fresno County were awarded through the statewide competitive program. 

ATP Cycle 7 will cover four years of funding – FY 2025-26 through FY 2028-29. Fresno COG’s share provides $1.87 million; however, due to the allocation shortfall, the Policy Board approved supplementing ATP with $4.45 million of CMAQ funds.  At least 25 percent of program funds must benefit projects in disadvantaged communities.  

The regional program received 10 applications with a total project cost of $24,040,834. The regional scoring committee convened on Jan. 14 to score and deliberate the project applications. The scoring committee comprised representatives from: the City of Fresno, Fresno County, eastside city, westside city, Caltrans, Freseno COG, and a bicycle stakeholder.  

The recommended program of projects for the ATP Cycle 7 is attached and can also be found on Fresno COG’s ATP website: Active Transportation Program (ATP) – Fresno Council of Governments ( 

Please note that the programming years can vary based on funding capacity for each year. 

Please see below the projects recommended for funding. A comprehensive list may be accessed here: RESULTS 

To summarize the proposed recommendations: 

  • The jurisdictions submitted 10 applications with a total project cost of $24 million.   
  • The scoring committee recommended that $1.87 million in ATP funds be programmed to fully to one project and partially to another. 
  • Five projects will be awarded $4.45 million in CMAQ, including one with partial funds. 
  • All of the recommended projects are located within and directly benefit disadvantaged communities, well exceeding the 25 percent minimum. 

Below is the schedule for adopting the Cycle 7 program of projects: 

  • Fresno COG Policy Board adopts recommendations: February 2025 
  • Deadline to submit the DRAFT program of projects to CTC staff: Feb. 21
  • Deadline to submit the FINAL program of projects to CTC staff: April 21. 
  • Fresno COG 2025 FTIP amendment to incorporate the approved Cycle 7 ATP & CMAQ projects: Fall 2025 

Action: Staff and the ATP scoring committee request that TTC/PAC recommend the Policy Board approve the Cycle 7 Regional Competitive Active Transportation program of projects by adopting resolution 2025-03 and approve the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program projects through the ATP augmentation by adopting resolution 2025-04. 

Summary: The fiscal year (FY) 2024-26 Overall Work Program (OWP), totaling $35.1 million is submitted for Board and public review. A summary memorandum is attached to this annotated report. In short, the proposed budget decreased $11.2 million from last year. Operational revenues remain intact and reserves are adequate.

The largest part of the decrease, $4,054,228, is attributed to completion of the planning phase of Regional Early Action Plan (REAP) funds provided by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, California Air Resources Board, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the Strategic Growth Council.

A $1,306,913 decrease in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Planning (PL) revenues reflects progress completed on the Regional Pavement Management system.

A $3,743,953 decrease reflected phase II construction progress on Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s (FCRTA’s) Selma maintenance facility.

There was also a significant $2,545,913 decrease in in-kind revenues from transit operators that provided a local match for vehicles purchased through the FTA 5310 program, as well as the match requirement on the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) 5339 grant.

Federal revenues decreased a net of 42 percent or $6,107,607, reflective of the above-mentioned transit facility construction and vehicle procurements.

State revenues decreased 21 percent, $4,193,680, primarily due to the above-mentioned REAP grant.

Local revenues decreased 8 percent, $942,385, resulting from the cash match from transit vehicle procurement.

Staff salaries and benefits increased 4% and 5% respectively as staffing levels remain unchanged from last year. Contingencies are carried for merit-based salary increases as well as for anticipated health insurance increases.

The overall consulting budget is $20.2 million, which decreased $1.5 million from last year.

The OWP and budget will return for final approval in April.

Action: Staff and the TTC/PAC recommend the Policy Board release Fresno COG’s draft 2025-26 Overall Work Program and budget for public review, with final approval scheduled for the April Board meeting.

Summary: In July 2023, Fresno COG staff began holding a series of meetings with school district and local jurisdictional staff across the county to discuss safety concerns of school children getting to their school sites safely.

In these discussions COG staff received specific project suggestions that would address particular safety concerns. This dialog helped staff produce a new list of projects that could be incorporated into future grant applications and potentially into a future Measure C renewal expenditure plan, to be approved by voters in 2026. This project list was also incorporated into Fresno COG’s Regional Active Transportation Plan Update as an appendix, which was adopted by the Policy Board at its May 2024 meeting.

COG staff first briefed the Policy Board of these Safe Routes to Schools activities at the November 2023 Board meeting. In January 2024, the Policy Board formed a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) Subcommittee, comprising several Policy Board members.

On Sept. 26, the Fresno COG SRTS Subcommittee convened to discuss goals for SRTS funding and safety improvements. Following the Subcommittee’s direction, staff has explored amending the Measure C Expenditure Plan to potentially reallocate funding for SRTS projects.  

Staff met with the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA) to discuss potential funding opportunities in the existing expenditure plan. FCTA and Fresno COG identified four potential programs in the expenditure plan that are forecast to not be fully expended by the 2027 sunset of the current Measure. These programs are 1) Senior Scrip, 2) Ag/Farmworker Vanpools, 3) Car/Vanpools, and 4) New Technology Reserve carryover funds from the recently completed FY 24-25 cycle.  

At the November 20, 2024 Policy Board meeting the Board approved, in conceptual form, a reallocation of existing Measure C funds from the Senior Scrip, Ag/Farmworker Vanpools, and Car/Vanpools programs for a total of $6 million to be allocated on a population-based formula distribution for SRTS projects.

With all Measure C amendments needing approval by both the Policy Board and FCTA Board, the item was brought up at FCTA’s December 2024 Board Meeting, at which the mayors of Fresno and Clovis recommended staff look at an alternative concept of the SRTS Measure C program being a competitively based program with eligible projects coming from the region outside of the Fresno-Clovis metropolitan area within Fresno County. This concept would allow all jurisdictions of the Policy Board except the cities of Fresno and Clovis the opportunity to submit projects to a competitive SRTS program with defined guidelines and scoring criteria, which would be developed by staff. 

With both the TTC and PAC having given their recommendation on this program back in the November 2024, no further action is being asked of the committees. This item will be presented as an Action item to the Policy Board. If the Policy Board directs staff to develop guidelines and scoring criteria for this program, we will bring the guidelines and scoring criteria to TTC/PAC for a recommendation.

Action: Information. The Committee may provide additional directions at its discretion.

Summary:  In January, Fresno COG’s Policy Board approved four contracts totaling nearly $1.75 million for the 2026 Measure C expenditure plan development and renewal effort, including $199,629 for a steering committee facilitator.  This contract, along with the overall program manager’s contract, was awarded to DKS, with a variety of subconsultants in various supporting roles.

On Feb. 5, Fresno COG and Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA) staff held its kick-off meeting with facilitator and program manager Kendall Flint to review expectations and approaches to forming the renewal committee and how it will operate.  To date, Fresno COG has received more than a dozen “expression of interest” forms from different stakeholders and stakeholder groups to serve on the committee.

While no selections have been made, the applications cover a wide range of interest groups, including the Fresno Cycling Club, the Sequoia Safety Council, Tree Fresno, the Central Valley Community Foundation, Center for Community Voices at Fresno State, Tranquility Resource Conservation District, Central Labor Council and several others.

Kendall Flint is a transportation sales tax measure veteran who has produced or helped produce six prior expenditure plans, from as nearby as Madera County in 2024 to Placer County in the north, along with measures in Merced and Stanislaus counties also in the San Joaquin Valley.

Ms. Flint has already begun connecting with a wide variety of stakeholder groups throughout the region to supplement Fresno COG’s solicitation for committee members and will continue to conduct research and interviews throughout February and into March, with a goal of the first renewal committee meeting occurring in March or April.

The process will work toward early consensus on those issues that are considered non-controversial for the overall regional good.  Reports from the committee’s progress will follow Fresno COG’s regular agenda process, coming through the TTC/PAC and Board on a monthly or semi-monthly basis.

Action: Information. The Committee may provide additional directions at its discretion.

This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on items within its jurisdiction but not on this agenda.
Note: Prior to action by the Committee on any item on this agenda, the public may comment on that item. Unscheduled comments may be limited to three minutes.