Summary: Fresno Council of Governments is beginning the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). A Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) are essentially long-term planning tools that help guide how a region will develop its transportation network in a way that benefits both people and the environment. The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a roadmap for a region’s transportation future, covering the next 20 to 30 years. It looks at things like highways, public transit, bike lanes, and pedestrian paths. The goal is to plan how these different transportation systems will grow to meet the needs of a growing population. It also considers how to keep traffic moving, reduce congestion, and make travel safer. The Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) is a component of the RTP that focuses specifically on sustainability. It looks at how land use, housing, and transportation choices can work together to reduce environmental impacts—like cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions from cars. The SCS encourages development patterns that make it easier for people to live close to where they work, shop, or go to school, so they don’t have to drive as much. This part of the plan aims to create walkable, bike-friendly, and transit-accessible communities, which helps reduce pollution and create healthier, more sustainable communities. Together, the RTP/SCS provide a vision and practical steps for a region to grow in a way that balances economic, social, and environmental goals. They’re often required by state or federal laws, and they involve public input to reflect community priorities.
Now, Fresno Council of Governments is asking that the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee serve as a representative on the SCS subcommittee to represent the interests of the urban, sub-urban, and rural parts of the region.
Meetings are scheduled to begin mid-November and introduce the scenarios and its concept in December. The subcommittee will meet biweekly (or as needed) in 2025 to finalize the preferred scenario by Summer of 2025. Any information related to 2026 RTP/SCS or previous RTP/SCS can be found at Santosh Bhattari, Principal Planner, will be present to answer questions about the 2026 RTP Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) process.
Action: Approve the selection of Shannon Avila as the primary representative and Donna as the secondary representative to serve as the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee representatives on the 2026 RTP SCS Committee.